Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Autism Awareness, April 2, 2013

I got up today
less enthusiastic
about the fact
that it's world autism awareness day

So what? I thought
I am aware of it every single day
My little boy,
the most special guy I know

He is a face of autism
I watch him struggle
to be understood
to live in a world
that is not suited to his
operating system.

I watch him smile
because his sister teases him
I watch him laugh
for no reason at all

I wish to get inside him
to know what is going on in there
I wish to give him the
body of love
that I feel when I look at him

I know that he will be with me
for the rest of my life,
so I do what I must
to prepare us both
for the long road

I try to give him
what all mothers hope for
a love of life
despite all the struggling
to find his way
in this disagreeable world.

I hope that one day
he will be able to
tell me all about
his experience of life.

But for now
I will just love him
and care for him
and keep him safe
from those who don't know
who he is.
Just a regular boy
with a different operating system.

Which just makes me,
Like all mothers
raising their precious children.

My boy! May life always
be happy for you
May you continue to
have the best people in your life
keep you safe
and love you
when I'm gone.

He is Autism
He is beauty
He is perfect
He is my baby boy
He is Eli

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